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Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World – Chapter 1763 – Moli Read Novel

Chapter 1763 – Moli – Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

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Chapter 1763 – Moli

Moli with a pale complexion sat in the Iron Centipede. The expert of the world of Cultivation, who appeared again, captured a number of disciples of the Cloud Demon sect in one fell swoop. Moli was always worried about My disappearance. The latter was one of his most important students. So the loss of Mine is indeed a very serious blow for Moli. Nevertheless, the elder could not find where Zhao Hai was hiding. Of course, the sudden return of Zhao Hai irritated Moli, but at the same time he felt some joy. After all, now he could personally get even with this impudent person. Only at some point on the way of the Iron Centipede appeared several black spots that made her stop. Moli understood immediately what happens, he immediately appeared on the centipede’s head and looked at the dark spots. However, realizing that it was the elder, he froze. After all, a huge fleet was moving in its direction. All right, the gigantic flotilla consisted of more than a hundred large ships and more than a thousand small boats. Do not tell me, but such a sight looked just incredible. Moli looked at the fleet and could not believe his own eyes. However, he soon found a man standing on the prow of the largest ship, this expert without a doubt belonged to the cultivation world. Moreover, the stranger also noticed him and immediately greeted him. In response, Moli immediately shouted: ’Stranger, tell me your name. I want to know who will die by my hand. ” Hearing this, the unknown expert laughed:” Ha-ha-ha! ” However, after a while, in a deep voice, he said, “My name is Zhao Hai. I heard that some Elder Moli was looking for me, but then I had a chance to solve somewhat different issues. But now I have come to correct the disrespect shown! ” Moli snorted coldly, and then said:” To correct the disrespect? You have committed a deadly sin. Tell me, did you kill my disciple Myu? ” Zhao Hai smiled slightly:” Who knows, maybe he did! ” Moli looked at the sky and shouted:” Zhao Hai, you must die. I want to rip you in tens of thousands of pieces! ” Shouting this, he rushed forward, as if he did not notice a huge number of magical effects. Although, it should not be considered such insanity, in fact, the strength of the elder reached such a huge level that none of the ships of the fleet could do anything to him oppose. When Moli made his move, Zhao Hai also rushed forward. He was also well aware that now he would not be able to use great magical artifacts against such a powerful enemy. Moli did not expect that Zhao Hai would dare to take the initiative and personally confront him. Initially, the elder was going to destroy the magical devices and only then take on Zhao Hai, but the latter rushed to him and therefore Moli could not carry out his plan. Soon they met and Moli fiercely struck a powerful blow, Zhao Hai already in turn raised his right fist to defend himself. Demons are very strong in hand-to-hand combat. First, they originally had really strong bodies. Secondly, realizing this, the demons deliberately developed precisely the melee styles. However, Moli quickly realized that he was somewhat wrong. As it turned out, his opponent also had very high skills. This discovery surprised Moli quite a bit. He did not at all expect that this time the world of Cultivation would send such a master into their space of Heavenly demons. This is definitely not a good thing for them. Moreover, now he was well aware that Mo Yu didn’t have any chance to defeat such an opponent. The battle between these two was becoming more and more fierce. The experts who came to this place with Moli did not even dare to interfere. Just as Zhao Hai and Moli were fighting, the Buda clan chief’s fleet attacked the Iron Centipede. So the heavenly demons also entered into this confrontation. Initially, all these experts did not take these devices too seriously. This is because the masters could well cope with the Great Magic Artifact. But they soon discovered that their attacks were completely ineffective. Of course, this turned out to be really quite incredible. All these Great magical artifacts had a very tough attacking power. Moreover, all these ships of various sizes, they also had a fairly huge protection. Of course, the Heavenly Demons did not understand at all why all this was happening? In fact, some time ago all these magical tools did not have such powerful characteristics. Nevertheless, when Zhao Hai united good and evil, the power of the great magical artifacts increased significantly. It is not surprising, because the power of the Yin-Yang energy pools has increased. At the moment, a huge number of artifacts were constantly attacking the Iron Centipede. Because of this, the Heavenly Demons had to focus on defense. At that time, the girls were in charge of managing the magical artifacts, while Zhao Hai completely focused on the battle with Moli. It was only at this moment that a turning point occurred. The thing is that Kai Er sent the last farms into battle. The latter consisted of undead and Heavenly demons. Naturally, the crew of the huge centipede could not withstand such a huge superior force. So after a while they were all sent to the spatial farm. After that, the powers of the Dimension Farm swiftly surrounded the two fighting masters, creating a huge ring. Although Mo Li fought with Zhao Hai, he still watched the battlefield very closely. Nevertheless, it never occurred to him that his subordinates would lose so quickly. In addition, he was involved in a fight with Zhao Hai and therefore could not help them. Of course, most of the Heavenly Demons were sent to the Dimension Farm, but those who resisted the most were still killed. The appearance of Mo Yu, as well as the rest of the missing, certainly stunned Moli’s mind. He believed that his disciple was killed and did not expect that he might turn out to be a traitor. Heavenly demons are very warlike, so they always considered defeat a huge shame. Therefore, for so many years, they reacted very violently to the attempt of the world of Treasures to capture them. However, very few people managed to do this. Even Zhao Hai managed to achieve this only thanks to the spatial farm. Moli was the one who despised surrender most of all. However, he did not expect at all that his most valuable student would surrender, moreover, to a person. Of course, the elder could not accept this in any way. Undoubtedly, the power of Moli is higher than that of Zhao Hai, but at the moment he could not realize it, since the most risky techniques should have been used for this. Ho at the same time Zhao Hai was not going to show any politeness, he immediately ordered the forces of the Buda clan to go on the offensive. Naturally, the elder did not have a single chance to endure this, and therefore he was forced to focus on defense. Nevertheless, Moli still held on, so Zhao Hai invoked his Dharma and struck a powerful blow. But even that was not enough to kill the elder. However, his power was enough to inflict injury and be able to send Moli to the Dimension Farm. It goes without saying that Zhao Hai immediately seized the opportunity. Thus, Zhao Hai’s goal was achieved. He wanted to destroy some of the experts of the Cloud Demon sect and he managed to do it. Now the latter will send much more numerous forces in search of him and thereby weaken the defense of their main camp. This time, the operation was quite successful. Zhao Hai not only achieved his goal, but also received a large number of masters, as well as a huge new magical artifact. The head of the Buda clan immediately left the battlefield, but before that, he nevertheless removed some of the remaining traces. However, not all. Zhuo hid the existence of the huge fleet and left only his battle with the elder. When the sect of the Cloud Demons found out about what had happened, they immediately sent more than ten iron centipedes, moreover, this punitive brigade was personally led by the head, and he was also supported by several powerful elders. When the Iron Centipedes arrived to the battlefield, the High Elder and Sect Leader immediately emerged from the great magical artifact. These two seemed very close to the human race. in fact, they were distinguished from humans only by the blue color of their skin, and of course the horns. When these two flew out of the centipede, the Supreme Elder immediately checked the fluctuations of energy, and then said in a deep voice: “This is truly a master. During his last attack, he used tremendous power. Isn’t it a bit strange why Moli didn’t dodge? Moreover, the qi energy in this place is rather unusual. ” The head of the sect, in turn, asked:” Elder, what is the strength of this person? Can I handle it? Moreover, won’t he have too much influence on our sect? ” The old man, in turn, nodded and answered in a deep voice:” This man is indeed very powerful. Nevertheless, you will still be able to defeat him in one-on-one combat, but he is capable of delivering many problems to our sect. However, only you have to decide how we should proceed? ” Although the elder had a very high position and status, he did not interfere in the administration of the sect. After all, his time to decide the fate of others has long passed and now he wanted to focus only on his own development. Meanwhile, the head of the sect frowned and said: “He really will be very difficult to deal with. This guy is very cunning. I’m afraid we will have to ask for help from a few other high elders. If we leave everything as it is or try to solve the problem on our own, then many of our students may die. Therefore, we will have to turn to other sects for help! ” While he was saying these words, a bat flew to the head of the sect. When he checked the message he sent, his face changed rapidly!!!

Read Novel Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World – Chapter 1763 – Moli

Author: 明宇, Ming YuTranslation: Artificial_Intelligence

Chapter 1763 – Moli – Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World – Read online free

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