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GOD AND DEVIL WORLD – Chapter 1193 – Giant’s Throne Read Novel

Chapter 1193 – Giant’s Throne – GOD AND DEVIL WORLD – Light Novel

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Chapter 1193 – Giant’s Throne

At the sight of the portal that had arisen, the minds of all the intelligent ones present flashed: “Entrance to the third floor!” Almost immediately, the strongest warriors, blurring with speed, rushed to the spatial transition.

All reasonable ones have already understood that the first, which turns out to be on the next floor, received the greatest benefits and access to the most precious resources for evolution, and therefore no one was going to miss their chance. Strong demon warriors were the first to launch to the portal, the huge egoism of these sentient beings, known to all, easily allowed them to leave the hot battle. Almost simultaneously with the actions of the demons, strong cannibals rushed into the air, which, having lost the support of the demons in battle, also threw away the thoughts of its continuation. And after them, people soared into the air, almost keeping up with the first two. Yue Zhong immediately spread his wings at the appearance of the portal and, smeared into a stain, rushed to the spatial transition.

After flying out of the portal, Yue Zhong found himself instead of a pleasant-looking garden, as on the second floor, in the middle of the wasteland, where on unsightly soil red only numerous low bushes grew, on which, like berries, hung precious crystal nuclei of the 9th type.

You could get such a crystal only if you kill a 9th type warrior or an animal of the same rank, these were items of great value, unsurpassed storage of energy.

Each core like this outside the tower had an exorbitant price, being the rarest jewel. Even warriors of the 9th type at the peak of their development had few of them, and on the third floor they hung everywhere on the bushes here.

Seeing this, the sentient, as if mad, rushed in all directions, trying to be the first to break the cores.

Yue Zhong, seeing the nuclei, immediately created huge invisible palms from the energy of the world and, using them like a hefty rake, began to pluck the kernels, clearing the bushes.

These cores were extremely important for the earthling, given that only with them his golden armor and the “Magnificent” will be able to fully manifest their power.

If he returns to Earth with a large supply of such nuclei, then the mechanical emperor will be able to make many intelligent robots, which is strong will be equal to entry-level Type 9 warriors.

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Gathering full palms of crystal cores, the earthling rushed to the middle of the floor, wanting to be the first at a possible spatial transition to the fourth floor. Many immediately came up with this idea, and they rushed after Yue Zhong. After the earthling had already flown a thousand kilometers, the ground over which he flew cracked, and a skeleton of golden color, armed with a huge scythe of the same color, quickly emerged from under it.

Shrouded in a gloomy and cold aura, with a black flame burning in empty eye sockets, the skeleton, smearing into a golden patch of indistinct outlines, flew up into the sky to intercept Yue Zhong.

The Earthling rewarded the skeleton with a blow to the skull with a fist, causing it to scatter into pieces, the black flame burning inside it dissipated after this. After the destruction of the skeleton, Yue Zhong did not receive life energy, obviously, the golden skeleton with the strength of a type 9 warrior was inanimate.

Though golden the skeletons seemed very weak, since Yue Zhong had enough fist to deal with one of them, and the aura of the 9th type of middle level warriors emanated from them.

Unceasingly swinging their scythes, the skeletons chopped and cut in two warriors of various sentient species, which emitted screams of pain and despair.

Also, many warriors circled in the air, fighting skeletons, using all kinds of techniques and treasures against them.

“A significant fluctuation of energies emanates from that side. Looks like some very powerful treasures are in there!”- felt all the warriors of the 9th type, after the skeletons got out of the ground. Energy vibrations came from the middle of the floor.

“Be mine!”

Yue Zhong, feeling the energetic vibrations of gold-level treasures, became agitated, and the crystal core of the 9th type that powered the armor glowed bright yellow light, washing them also extending from the armor of the wings, turning the earthling into a bright strip of yellow light when he flew forward.

In the infinite tower, Yue Zhong and the rest of the 9th type were unable to create spatial transitions, forced to use flight for movement. Only warriors with an incredible talent for this kind of movement could risk trying to do it, but even they were unable to move from the infinite tower to the outside world and back. During Yue Zhong’s flight to the sources of energy vibrations, skeletons crawling out of the ground constantly attacked him and were also constantly destroyed by the man.

After the death of about a dozen skeletons, several dozen golden skeletons, having gathered together and no longer daring to converge with the earthling in hand-to-hand combat, opened their mouths and breathed out the law of Hell on him. Even one application of such a law would be enough to temporarily keep a Type 9 warrior in one place at the peak of his development, as if imposing blocks on him that impede movement, and subsequent overlapping blows using the Law of Hell would lead to his almost permanent sealing on one location. Yue Zhong shouted:

– Cleansing! – hit with his knowledge of the Law of Flame. The fire, transformed into a huge dragon, dispelled the fetters that were gaining materiality, and the earthling, taking advantage of this, rushed forward with renewed vigor.

The rest of the warriors Seeing how Yue Zhong escaped from the trap of golden skeletons and at what speed he was flying in the direction of energy fluctuations, we felt that perhaps they would not get the treasures of the gold level. Therefore, one of them, specializing in spatial techniques, clenched his teeth, created a spatial passage and stepped into it. A hefty golden skeleton slashed with a scythe through the seemingly empty air, and from the formed spatial gap with a loud frightened cry:

– No! – the body of the cleverest, cut in two, fell out onto the red earth. Before even touching the ground, the two halves of a Type 9 warrior dispersed in a bloody fog.

Seeing the miserable end of the warrior, the others with shrunken hearts no longer dared to joke here with the creation of spatial passages.

– Yes, zadolbalo!

A type 9 warrior, disguised as a weakling in a crowd of the same worthless, waved his hand, and on the red soil, deeply washing it wheels, fell

a hundred-meter long train of gold color, densely covered with crystal cores.

This type 9 warrior at the peak of his development ascended a new detail of the landscape, and his golden transport, throwing out four jets of steam, with with a terrifying roar, he lunged at crazy speed after Yue Zhong. Any golden skeleton that got in the way of a golden steam locomotive: an ordinary or a leader – scattered pieces of bone, and the black flame that fed them went out forever. Any attacks of the golden skeletons ricocheted to the sides, without reducing the speed of the mechanism, leaving only small scratches on the metal of the treasure.

After this the warrior used his trump card, and everyone else equal to him did not restrain himself, squeezing out everything they could from their gold-level treasures, striving in the same direction where Yue Zhong rushed away.

The golden skeletons caught in the way of these hurrying warriors fell to the ground, unable to stop the advance of these sentient ones for a split second.

Yue Zhong, flying at a height of one hundred meters, approached the point from where energy fluctuations emanated. There he saw a gigantic topaz throne, on which a one hundred meters tall giant sat with closed eyes, whose body was pierced in many places by golden chains, seemingly holding him firmly on the throne.

In front of the giant, five objects hung in the air on a throne. Six wings assembled into one set, a large gold-colored shield adorned with a large number of crystal cores of the 9th type, a huge inky black sword, a gold-colored box and the same seed color.

All five treasures did not hang along, not lining up, but in some strange order around the throne on which the pierced one sat chains of a giant, in which it seemed that there was not even a drop of life and neither aura nor vibrations of energy emanated from it.

“It looks like a seal! One has only to pick up the treasure, and it will be broken. What to do?”

Yue Zhong almost instantly guessed what the treasure was, but all this did not make him hesitate for a second, he as soon as he approached the treasure, he grabbed the six white wings collected in one set.

What Yue Zhong most needed now, so it is in speed, only through it he could squeeze more from the infinite tower than others. As soon as Yue Zhong’s hand tore the white wings from their place in the air, the seal collapsed, and four other treasures flew in their direction.

Read Light Novel GOD AND DEVIL WORLD – Chapter 1193 – Giant’s Throne

Author: Assets Exploding, Zi Chan Bao Zeng, 资产暴增Translation: Artificial_Intelligence

Chapter 1193 – Giant’s Throne – GOD AND DEVIL WORLD – Read Online Free

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