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PLAYER WHO RETURNED 10000 YEARS LATER Player who Returned 10,000 years Later – Chapter 181. Summit (2) Read Novel

Chapter 181. Summit (2) – PLAYER WHO RETURNED 10,000 YEARS LATER

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Chapter 181. Summit (2)


An urgent meeting at which they were going to discuss the main problem – the Hell’s teachers and Satan behind them. After Coup Day, this is perhaps the first large-scale gathering.

China, Korea, Japan and other Asian states will meet with European countries, and even Russia and the United States. The Americans prepared the basis for the summit, which will be attended by all those who can still call themselves a country. Everyone thought that it was the USA who initiated the meeting, but in fact it was not so.


A secret organization that only Defenders, strong players who received an invitation from Gaia could get into.

They were even called the hope of humanity. The modern world, to some extent, functioned normally thanks to them.


– A, Kang Woo, your tie is disheveled.

Han Seol held out her hands to correct him.

In his daily life, Kang Woo never wore a tie, so he completely confided in this matter to the girl.

– Thank you.

– Oh, in such clothes you look even cooler.

– Well, if you compare with Si Hoon, I’m still a freak, – the guy clicked his tongue.

– What are you talking about! It’s not at all. “She looked at Kang Woo with displeasure as she continued to straighten his clothes.

Even though he was not handsome like Si Hoon, but Kang Woo is definitely not ugly. Moreover, his slender, athletic figure in the suit looked as good as the cover model. And a sharp look complemented the image and made him look like the main character of the film, some rich man in the second generation.

– Kang Woo, I don’t like these clothes, they are uncomfortable, – Echidna frowned and grabbed his jacket.

Echidna and Han Sol were dressed for the weekend dresses. But both of them had such a unique appearance that beautiful dresses simply faded against their background.

– Hey! Are you finished?

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– Yes.

Yeon Joo banged open the door and entered the room.

She was also wearing a dress that matched the color perfectly her red hair.

“This is already starting to get annoying,” Yong Joo muttered, confirming that it’s not the right dress to wear so convenient.

The day before the summit, the strongest representatives of all countries gathered in Washington. A party was organized for them so that they could get to know each other better. And since Yong Joo was one of the strongest players in Korea, of course, she also had to participate in this event.

– Well, actually, If you think about it, this meeting could be even more important than the summit itself.

This event can really help to bring the main meeting in a more friendly atmosphere. It will probably go even better than Kang Woo and Gaia expect. But, however, it is difficult to hope for an undoubted unification of forces in the fight against the Infernal teachers.

“We need to establish good relations with everyone.”

No, not directly with everyone, but with the most powerful representatives of the countries – yes, it should be. Of course, you should not expect that if they become friends, then immediately rush to help them, but this will definitely allow you to avoid hostility and all sorts of suspicions.

– By the way, Kang Woo… I’m afraid you will be a little confused when you enter the hall.

– What? Why?

“It seems everyone is waiting for you there,” Yong Joo said with a laugh.

Kang Woo frowned:


Kang Woo tried to do everything possible so that no one other than the Guardians would know about his powers, about that he was the ruler of Hell, that he was born in darkness, and then became a messenger of Light, bestowed by Tyrion.

For this, instead of him promoted by Si Hoon. Quite a lot was known about him – about his strengths, his exploits, about the difficulties he experienced. About the Hero of the Light Oh Kang Woo, they knew only in his entourage.

Strong representatives of countries that have nothing to do with the Keepers, on the contrary, should be interested in Dragon Si Hoon.

“I did everything for this.”

The hero who saved Korea, the new star of sword techniques, Chon Mu Jin’s disciple – Si Hoon was advertised under a huge number of names. That is why Kang Woo did not understand why they wanted to see him there.

– Well, more precisely, they are waiting for you there as brother of Si Hoon.

– A…

“ It seems we couldn’t hide your relationship, “” Young Joo laughed again.

Kang Woo, realizing what she was talking about, nodded…

– So that’s why

– Well, that’s not bad, is it?

– No, it’s not bad at all.

To make friends there, Kang Woo must also have a good reputation and some authority. Of course, the position of the brother of the hero, who has riveted the attention of the whole world, will be much more effective than the image of an unknown Player.

the best.”

The fact that Si Hoon managed to gather such influential people around him cannot be bad.

Si Hong, Grace, Gaia and Kang Woo dressed up and went to the banquet hall.

– Oh-oh-oh!

– This one from rumors…

As soon as the Guardians entered the hall, the atmosphere instantly changed. Of course, Si Hoon and Gaia were the ones who drew the most attention. Many prominent politicians and Players went to talk to them. Si Hoon and Gaia were a little dumbfounded by so many people.

Of course, Ito Shinji, Jae Kal Hyun and Grace were approached by people too.

“And the Guardians are quite famous.”

Kang Woo stepped back a bit and began to watch the scene.

The Guardians are an organization that has gathered the most powerful people in the world.

Before the Players appeared, such a ten-man organization could not have attracted so much attention.


The situation has changed.

Now, although it took a long time, they have become so strong that they can wipe out an entire state from the face of the Earth. They receive the support of the strongest people in various countries, and in the case of Jung Mu Jin, they even have the right to interfere in Chinese politics. And this is a clear indication that the organization is recognized all over the world.

“And yet…” Kang Woo narrowed his eyes. “It’s a little weird.”

They can’t expect support from all countries in this endeavor. However, Kang Woo, of course, has prepared a backup plan, if an agreement cannot be made with them.


“It feels like they don’t bother at all.”

Politicians from different countries and Players behaved as if they had not heard what was on the agenda. Even if they are all so calm and indifferent in life, it is still strange to observe their carefree behavior, despite the fact that everyone is well aware of the existence of Hell teachers and that this problem will not be solved by itself.

– Nice to meet you. I am Emanuel Amon. Arrived as Ambassador of France.

– Are you the brother of the Dragon Kim Si Hoon? We’ve heard a lot about you.

Before Kang Woo had time to think it over, the politicians looking out for him in the hall finally found him and stuck around on all sides. Kang Woo smiled sweetly and bowed.

– Thank you for coming this far to join the summit.

A smile befitting a hero.

– Ha ha ha! No, what are you. Aren’t we doing this to support the good intentions of the Keepers?

– Of course, we’ll try our best.

“What’s with them?”

Kang Woo frowned slightly.

He was surrounded by ambassadors from France, England, Italy, USA, China and even Korea, and that’s all together they began to say something.

“Why are they so active?”

Despite Gaia’s fears that it would be difficult to enlist their support, they, on the contrary, offered their help themselves. Considering that there is still a whole day before the official meeting, this was somehow too much. They didn’t even look like they were already calculating the benefits they could get from this case.

It got to the point that Kang Woo even felt like an auctioneer, who is offered various tempting conditions.

– This time France would like to take part in hostilities on behalf of the Guardians.

– We can promise $ 100 million in annual support.

– Haha. Your words make my soul calmer.

Kang Woo smiled and continued his conversation with people.

“Oh sh * t.”

After talking with them, the guy finally began to understand what was going on.

– They say the Hell teachers were easily smashed in South America.

– Ha ha! It seems that they only know how to hide.

“What a bastard.”

They talked about the School without anxiety or excitement. It didn’t take long for Kang Woo to figure out why they were having such conversations.

“Easily blown up? They only know how to hide?”

Korea, China and South America.

There were casualties in Korea. In China, the infernal beings were defeated. But in South America, the Guardians, together with the Players from the World Ranker, managed to prevent the actions of the Infernal Teachers even before their plan began.

It seems that from the bell tower of dignitaries, the Infernal teachers were ordinary psychos, religious fanatics. They didn’t fear for the world, but even for their country.

“Damn it.”

He twisted.

Because of that that the Guardians and Kang Woo were doing their job too perfectly, no one imagined the scale of the real danger.

“This is bad.”

Looking at their giggling faces, he felt absolutely no fear or excitement. If it goes on like this, then they will not provide real support, they will also slow down the process.


His thoughts are confused. He closed his eyes.

– Ah, Mrs. Julia!

– Oh, you’re here! We were waiting for you. This is the same Oh Kang Woo we talked about.

All the people around Kang Woo turned around at the same time. Kang Woo also looked in the direction the people were looking.

– Nice to meet you. I am the ambassador from Russia, Yulia Vilkova.

She was so beautiful that it is difficult to look away. The slender physique was complemented by light brown hair and red lips. The neckline on her dress perfectly accentuated the necklace, and a pleasant aroma emanating from her touched her nose.

“She is something between Lilith and Seo Yeon.”

Outwardly, she looked more like Seo Yeon, but in terms of manners – Lilith.

– Yes, and I’m pleased.

Kang Woo said hello with the girl and looked around.

“These idiots…”

Their eyes were shining. The attention of all politicians was just directed at him, but at the moment it switched to the girl. Now he saw them from a completely different side, because they spoke to the girl in a completely different manner.

“This is how they communicated with me out of courtesy.”

Kang Woo smiled sweetly and shook the girl’s outstretched hand. She smiled back and continued:

– By the way, I noticed that there is a separate VIP room. I would like to tell you something… can you spare me some time?

Julia came very close and held out her hand. The scent emanating from her was felt more and more.

Kang Woo was silent.

He winced for a moment, then inhaled the scent and closed his eyes. After thinking for a while, he laughed.

The guy clenched his fists, and then raised one of his hands and pointed towards the next room.

– Of course, – he said and took her hand. “Well, let’s move into the room then.

As soon as they entered the VIP lounge, Kang Woo chuckled.

“Isn’t that too much?”

Inside, delicious delicacies were arranged, and there were 30 girls, who were in no way inferior in the beauty of Julia. He sat down on a chair and all 30 girls who had been standing in a row approached him.

– These are dishes made from rare fish… Try it.

– This is a foie game with caviar. Try it too.

Although other politicians came along with Kang Woo and Yulia, 30 beauties showed special interest and care only for Kang Woo.

“Fuck, they think they can control me.”

Kang Woo understood that the forces of another country were now trying to lure him over to their side.

– I specially selected them. I think this will help you take a break from the tiring everyday life.

Yulia smiled broadly and sat down on a chair. Kang Woo looked first at her, then at the girls and politicians.

“They don’t know me at all,” he clicked his tongue.

He was first offered one hundred million, and now he was brought up with the girls seducing him.

– Ha ha ha! He laughed involuntarily.

Kang Woo leaned back on the sofa made of high-quality leather and smiled.

“If you are going to seduce me, then you have chosen the wrong way.”

He understood what they wanted from him, but the execution was useless. If he buys into such a cheap performance, he will cease to consider himself a man.

“They could at least bring kimchichige.”

Seeing their feigned smiles, he chuckled.

Read Light Novel PLAYER WHO RETURNED 10,000 YEARS LATER – Chapter 181. Summit (2)

Author: 나비계곡

Translation: Artificial_Intelligence

Chapter 181. Summit (2) – PLAYER WHO RETURNED 10,000 YEARS LATER – Read online free

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