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PLAYER WHO RETURNED 10000 YEARS LATER Player who Returned 10,000 years Later – Chapter 216. Instructions for using Kang Woo Read Novel

Chapter 216. Instructions for using Kang Woo – PLAYER WHO RETURNED 10,000 YEARS LATER

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Chapter 216. Instructions for using Kang Woo

The door opened.

Kang Woo turned his head in her direction, distracted from reading the report on the work done by the Guardians. The girl, making a good impression, looked at Kang Woo. She smiled, and outwardly turned into an insidious woman.

– What?

“I have something to report.” She walked around the chair and she and Kang Woo met eyes. – I have selected three cardinals and am ready to send one of them into an ambush.

– Already? – Kang Woo’s eyes shone with surprise.

Since their short battle with Lucifer, no more than a week has passed. Who would have thought that the cardinals of the Infernal Schools would so easily succumb to submission.

Lilith smiled broadly.

– Oh, well, you yourself know how charming I can be.

– Even so?. – Kang Woo was surprised.

With Lucis, everything was really difficult, and then you need was to go to extreme measures, but with the Hellish teachers everything is different. They, at least until they accept Magi, remain ordinary people. No, even after Magi enters their bodies and they outwardly change in the demonic direction, their values ​​remain human.

“As with me,” Kang Woo frowned.

– Yeah, – Lilith answered cheerfully. “ Ah, people seem to like my looks a lot too!

Kang Woo looked at her in surprise.

– I created my double, and they were wrapped in my tentacles for three days and three nights.

Kang Woo was silent.

– They could be charmed by my double… that’s what people mean… – Lilith stuck out her tongue like a snake, licking Kang Woo’s cheek. – But my real body and soul belong to you.

– Uh-huh… – Kang Woo mumbled, hastily closing his mouth.

This time, the cardinals were wrinkled old men. He was even afraid to imagine what Lilith was doing to them. The thought made him sick.

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“Yeah, I did the right thing when I decided to entrust her with this.”

He would have had a very hard time alone.

– In the end, did you manage to find out anything?

– Well, so far I haven’t found out the location of Satan, but… – Lilith scratched her chin. – But all three cardinals went to the same school.

– Where is she?

– In Russia. There is now the largest branch of the School, at least ten thousand Followers.

– Ten thousand, which means…

They definitely haven’t encountered such a scale yet.

– Is this definitely not the main office?

– Exactly. At least, according to the cardinals.

– I see, – he nodded slightly.

“I wonder if Satan is in the headquarters?”

Only that they didn’t know it.

– Continue monitoring the branch and looking for Satan.

Do not slow down. He will certainly show himself.

“We just have to wait.”

If we’re not careful, he can escape, as Lucifer did. And this cannot be allowed. If he’s already out of his burrow, then he needs to be caught.

– Is that all?

– Yes. I will provide new information as it becomes available.

– Good.

– Ha-ha, all for you! Lilith laughed.

Kang Woo nodded. Although he was disgusted with her, he could not hate her for this very reason.

“She is talented, and even devoted”.

It would be strange to despise her, right? Kang Woo smiled bitterly and turned away.

– Oh, have you forgotten about tomorrow?

– Of course not. I already reminded Pallok.

Tomorrow he was going to start mending relations between his acquaintances from Hell and friends from Earth.

Friendly meeting.

And to put it simply – lounging and drinking all day.

– See you tomorrow then.

– Hmm? – upon hearing these words, she bent her head in surprise.

The corners of her lips quivered, and her hair turned into tentacles.

– Mi… wait a minute…

– It will be a pity to just leave, don’t you think?

– Save…

– Do you know that your duties include praising your subordinates?

– A …

The tentacles extended and slammed the door behind them.


The knife clattered quickly against the kitchen board. The vegetables were cut so neatly as if they were being chopped by a machine.

– Ah! – there was a short groan.

Han Seol turned towards the closed door.

“What are they talking about?”

Before that, Lilith entered the room. Of course, Han Seol was interested in what they were talking about.

– Ha-ah… – there was a sigh.

She lowered her head, returning to her occupation, and involuntarily began to nervously tap her foot on the floor.

“I hardly talk to him lately…”

Kang Woo has always been busy, but after the demon named Aamon appeared, things got even worse. Now he had to pay attention to the affairs of the Guardians, personal training and a large number of acquaintances, so that they had almost no time to talk normally.

“It’s somehow even… A little lonely lately.”

Although they live in the same house, she had the feeling that they were only moving away from each other.

Han Seol tossed the chopped vegetables into the pot. The kimchichige, which she could now brew with her eyes closed, seethed and a familiar smell filled the room. She sat down on a chair and thought about Kang Woo.

“I wonder what he thinks of me?”

They have been living together for two years now. During this time, even enemies could become friends. And besides, she had an interest in him from the very beginning.

Of course, he saved her life. And saved from a life more like hell. But he demanded nothing in return and even allowed them to live with him.

Even though she thought it was more like something else than love, but nevertheless it was already difficult to deny it – she has feelings for Kang Woo.

“No,” she shook her head, discarding those thoughts.

He saved her life, saved her from all this hell, but this is no reason to fall in love. It’s not that simple.

Han Seol remembered Kang Woo.

A sharp cut in the eyes, which even looks somehow frightening. Determination that overwhelms him in every matter. And the trust you have just by following him.


At the same time, his gaze seems very dark and distant. The curves of his body are intimidating and he looks lonely, but he looks like he’s used to it for a long time.

He has two looks.

Kang Woo is like a non-working joint, which is ignored and continues to run further. Trust and a desire to look after him, so that nothing happens, was mixed in her. And this has been going on for a long time. She didn’t know how Kang Woo was feeling, but she had already let him know her intentions several times.

Thanks to him they became close and live as one family.


The distance between them did not become less. It seemed to her that if she took one more step forward, then it could all end.

Han Seol puffed out her cheeks as if slightly angry.

– He called me to marry!

Her face flushed.

She remembered the words he had spoken on the first day of their meeting when he took her hand. At first, she considered him a very unique person, but then she learned about his past. This was the first time he met a woman in ten thousand years.

“Looks a little like fate…”

Kang Woo was locked in Hell for ten thousand years. He managed to escape from Satan, from the demon from the prophecy, and elude to Earth to save her. And the first person he met was she. If this is not fate, then what in general?

– Ah!

A loud, bubbling sound came from the pan, and the girl exclaimed. Blushing, Han Sol quickly turned off the stove.

– Fuh… We need to calm down.

Her heart pounded.

Han Seol bit her lip and tried to calm down. Taking a breath, she turned her head.

The door to the room was still tightly closed. More than an hour has passed since Lilith entered.

Suddenly worried.

“If you don’t do anything, he probably will never do anything himself,” she recalled Yong Joo’s words.

Han Seol clenched her fists.

She never I hadn’t met anyone, so I decided that I had to try, although I didn’t know what to do.

– Ha ha ha! Then see you tomorrow, Kang Woo!

Just then the door opened and Lilith came out.

– God! – Lilith, faced with Han Sol, smiled broadly.

The girl stood firm, as if saying: “I know everything.” Lilith, who approached her, put her hand on her shoulder and whispered softly in her ear:

– It’s not so easy to move the Master’s heart, – she continued with a certain sadness in her voice: – I tried for a long time… but I never succeeded.

– Ah! – Han Sol exclaimed.

Lilith wiped the wet corners of her eyes and smiled again.

– If suddenly you succeed, then tell me this magical way.

– Um…

And what should you answer to this?

Han Seol hesitated. She was still embarrassed to communicate with Lilith. No, even if they are close, the answer is still difficult.

“She’s been with Kang Woo for a thousand years.”.

Jealousy began to play in her.

Lilith was attractive and confident, and only aroused admiration in people. Han Seol had already seen Yuri Kurosaki on the news before, but now she is even more beautiful.

“But she said she was even more beautiful.”

It is hard to imagine someone more beautiful than her.

“So beautiful and could not melt Kang Woo’s heart…”

Her confidence disappeared in a moment.

– Well, good luck, I’m on your side, – Lilith waved her hand and turned around.

Even though she said so, it seemed like she already knew about Han Seol’s impending failure. Lilith left the house, and the girl pursed her lips in concern.

– K-kang Woo?

There was no response.

She opened the door and saw sitting on guy’s bed. His eyes were looking into the distance, and his cheeks were sunken. Now he looked like a soldier reminiscing about war.

“He’s tired.”

This makes sense since Kang Woo has been so busy lately. Han Seol’s face was filled with regret. No matter how you look at it, this is not a situation in which to start a conversation.

“What can you do to melt his heart?.”

Read Light Novel PLAYER WHO RETURNED 10,000 YEARS LATER – Chapter 216. Instructions for using Kang Woo

Author: 나비계곡

Translation: Artificial_Intelligence

Chapter 216. Instructions for using Kang Woo – PLAYER WHO RETURNED 10,000 YEARS LATER – Read online free

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