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PLAYER WHO RETURNED 10000 YEARS LATER Player who Returned 10,000 years Later – Chapter 367 – Fuck Read Novel

Chapter 367 – Fuck – PLAYER WHO RETURNED 10,000 YEARS LATER

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Chapter 367 – Fuck

The pain spread throughout his body, and his consciousness was torn from the inside.

– Ah-ah! – groaned the Lord of Pain and looked up to the sky.

Now every breath seemed overwhelming to him.

– You moron, come on, we haven’t even started yet, – someone’s voice was heard.

The demon could not remember who was standing in front of him. In principle, there were no thoughts in his head. But he understood the meaning of the phrase, and this terrified him.

– Didn”t… start?

What the hell? What else does this mean?

The Master of Pain was already at his limit.

“What’s going on? Why does it hurt so much?”

He had never experienced anything like this in his life. Even then, in the days of legends. All the pain he had experienced before, now seemed to him a trifle.

“How is this man… how can he endure such pain?”

Not every God can do the same.

The demon’s legs began to give way, and he fell to the ground.

– A-a-agrh!

His body curved like a bow, and foam poured from his mouth. He hasn’t done it right now just because he didn’t eat.

– Enough, enough! – he howled.

The Lord of Pain, seized by suffering, had no choice but to beg for mercy. His presumptuousness vanished immediately, and his divine power no longer made any sense.

– Oooh…

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– What’s the matter with you? Only a minute has passed.

– A minute?! How can this be?.

It seemed to him that the pain was pressing on his body for an eternity, and this person says that it has passed just a minute?

The Lord of Pain goggled and screamed in despair. Hearing that only a minute had passed, common sense left him. He was no longer tormented not by the pain that he was experiencing now, but by the realization that his suffering would continue.

“No, you can’t…”

We need to cut off the connection with this psycho, stop the transmission of sensations.

“Otherwise he won’t stop.

And his suffering will never end.

– Agrh… – he got up from his place.

The demon gathered his thoughts and stretched out his trembling hands.

“Stop… communication…”

He cut off the Magi channel connecting him with this person. No, I was going to cut off.

– Where are you soaping? – the corners of Kang Woo’s lips lifted.

Even though he was in the process of being reborn and in great pain, he felt that The Lord of Pain is about to cut off communication with him.

“Are you going to brush it off and just run away? Well, you can’t do that, “Kang Woo laughed.

He tied the Magi of the Lord of Pain and his own. The two forces expressed a desire not to merge, but not for long. Soon, the Demon Magi pouring into his body began to communicate with his own. In the end, the Magi of the Lord of Pain obeyed him.

– A-ah! The demon yelled, feeling that he could not break the bond between him and the person.

He looked at Kang Woo in confusion.

– How? What did you do?!

How was he able to take control of the demon’s power? How can someone else control his Magicians? Something happened that did not fit in my head. The demon became confused.

– How?.

He couldn’t even say anything plainly. There were many thoughts in my head, but completely incoherent things came out of my mouth.

Kang Woo calmly answered him:

– What’s wrong?

He’s everything just grabbed the force directed at him from the outside.

– You took control of my power… How?! What is this nonsense? How did you interfere with my powers?! – shouted the demon.

If we talk about the Magician, then you cannot fit it all under the same brush, like Maryok with Holiness. Each power is individual, unique and has its own characteristics. Even doing the same thing, following the same principles, using the same amount of energy, the result will be different. Just like a person is a person, but at the same time each is individual and unique, each Magi also has its own characteristics and character.

– Well, it’s not that difficult, – Kang Woo shrugged his shoulders.

Managing the inimitable and unique Magi for him did not represent no difficulties, because for him it has long been a habit. He has been doing this for ten thousand years.

– Minimal manipulation is enough to achieve this result.

– What?.

– If you take control of exactly what is called the “personality” of the Magician, then you can subjugate the rest of the stream.

– What the hell are you talking about now?

What does it mean to “take control of individuality”? Some nonsense. It’s like disassembling matter into atoms.

Magicians don’t work like that, you can’t just subdue her to her will. If you take someone’s hand and move it, this does not mean that you will subdue the rest of the body. It’s not that simple.

– This is… this is crazy! Impossible… What are you?!

He did not hear about such a person, could not even imagine that he exists, and did not have no idea where he came from.

Gaia’s subordinate? No, definitely not. This is not a monster that can be forced to act under someone else’s command. Even if Gaia were the most powerful God, she would not have been able to do it.

– Who are you?!

The demon trembled with terror, and its teeth chattered loudly. This was the second time he had felt fear of someone. It was hard to breathe, everything was floating in front of my eyes, a lump was approaching my throat.

– You yourself know. I am the Protector of the Light, assistant to the Gaia.

– Delirium!

– If you deny all my words, then why are you asking?

Somehow rude.

Kang Woo frowned and looked insensibly at the Lord of Pain. He gritted his teeth, trying with all his might to regain control over his Magi, which had been taken away by Kang Woo.

The guy laughed.

“And time is running out” – he lazily moved his body.

Kang Woo lay down on the ground with an asterisk. Five minutes have passed since the beginning of the rebirth. The moment of culmination should come soon.

– Open your…

– Hey, a piece of vomit!

– How… what did you call me?.

The demon has existed since the days of legends, long before Kang Woo. Nevertheless…

– You’d better get ready too.

– Get ready?

– Yes, I told you.

But it still won’t help him. Kang Woo sighed and closed his eyes.

– Ahh! Fuck, it hurts!

The demon’s cry scattered around.


– Hey!

– Ah… um…

– Get up. You can’t sleep here, otherwise you will get sick.

Kang Woo gently kicked the unconscious demon on the ground… After another blow, his boot got covered in mucus.

– Fuck you!

Kang Woo got the impression that he dipped his foot in shit, and his mood immediately soured.

– Hey, get up already!

He created a hammer from the ring and swung towards the one who was lying on the ground and trembling demon.

The mucus flew in all directions.

– Fu, what an abomination! – Kang Woo grimaced at the disgusting smell.

– Ah…

Kang Woo hit the Lord of Pain with a hammer, but there was no reaction. In his eyes, traces of reason could hardly be read.

– Damn, there were a lot of questions… – Kang Woo scratched the back of his head in confusion.

He could not even imagine that the Lord of Pain would lose his common sense from one rebirth.

“Probably should have spent more time, but still catch it with Chaos.”

Regret swept over him. And, as always, a clever thought comes after.

– uh-uh, – he sighed heavily.

There was another problem.

Kang Woo, looking at the Lord of Pain, thought again.

– A … – he grabbed his head. “You can’t eat this.

The demon lying in front of him looked so disgusting that he didn’t want to be sucked in with the Power of the Devourer. Okay looks, but the stench emanating from him… Kang Woo just could not step over himself and gobble him up.

Lord Shit or something like that? ” He sighed involuntarily.

It seemed as though all the food he had eaten today was about to come out.

“First, you still need to absorb what comes out.”

He didn’t want to. I really didn’t want to.

Kang Woo once again looked at the demon with disgust. But the doubts were not long.

– Yes, for you…

He could not refuse to eat just because the food looked bad and smelled disgusting.

[Power of the Flame]

Kang Woo directed fire at the Lord of Pain.

– A-ah!

As soon as his body was engulfed in fire, he immediately showed signs of life. Although he was still breathing, he was no different from the dead. Kang Woo took a deep breath and used the Power of the Devourer. A nasty, indescribable smell entered his body. Kang Woo even seemed like he hit it in the head.

– That’s the same…

This process seemed even harder to him than rebirth, because of which the guy fell to his knees in despair, resting his hands on the ground.

– Is everything okay?

At that moment he suddenly heard a voice and looked up in surprise… Even though he was using the Power of the Devourer now, he didn’t think he wouldn’t notice if someone suddenly approached him. However, he was wrong.


He turned towards the voice and saw an angel with ten wings.

“If he has ten wings…”

According to rumors, only one angel, with the exception of Rakiel, possessed ten wings. The guy’s eyes sparkled.

Events developed at great speed. He lowered his head and looked at his body. It is likely that this was due to a complete rebirth, but his body was completely healed, while his clothes were still soaked through with blood. And thanks to the fact that he decided to play it safe in advance, the color of the blood was red.

This can be used, Kang Woo thought.

– You… – an angel with ten wings and golden hair approached the guy.

A moment and he widened his eyes.

– You help Gaia, – he spoke in an important tone, but for some reason cold and harshness was felt in his words and behavior.

– Huh?. Yes… – Kang Woo nodded, grabbing his chest.

The golden-haired angel came very close.

– You have suffered a lot.

– Everything is fine… agrh!

– You better lie down.

Kang Woo quickly nodded and lay down. He asked gently:

– You…

– My name is Michael. I’ve heard a lot about you from Uriel, Oh Kang Woo.

– I see…

Michael pressed his lips together tightly. He turned and looked around. There were still traces of battle around, but the enemy’s body was not visible.

– Agrh! – Kang Woo coughed up blood and began to shake.

He also held out something to the angel.

– This is… – Michael’s eyes widened.

Kang Woo held out to him a fragment of the red mask of an unknown creature who attacked the Castle of the Holy Angel. This action had only one meaning.

– Did you… Did you see who attacked the Castle of the Holy Angel?

– Yes… Kheh! – Kang Woo coughed up blood even more.

There was difficulty in Michael’s gaze, and he frowned. But he was silent for a short time.

– Eat this, and the wounds will heal, – he took out something from his bosom and held out Kang Woo

It was a bottle filled with something like a potion. Kang Woo took it with trembling hands and drank it.

[You receive God’s thanks]

[All wounds and fatigue disappear]

[All stats are increased by 5 units, the quality and amount of control over Magi are increased ]

[You learn dragon magic]

“Fuck…” Kang Woo tried desperately not to smile. “Although you still need to react somehow.”

He got what he never expected.

– Oh-oh…

– How wounds?

– Immediately gone.

Kang Woo, not believing what was happening, examined his body and showed it to the angel. There was only dried blood on it, but not a single wound.

“Of course.”

After all, they never existed.

Kang Woo Not allowing too violent emotions to be reflected on his face, he looked at his body again.

Now it’s time to pay for “saving a life”.

– Who attacked the Castle of the Holy Angel?

Kang Woo waited for Michael to ask this question. He answered without hesitation:

Read Light Novel PLAYER WHO RETURNED 10,000 YEARS LATER – Chapter 367 – Fuck

Author: 나비계곡

Translation: Artificial_Intelligence

Chapter 367 – Fuck – PLAYER WHO RETURNED 10,000 YEARS LATER – Read online free

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