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Solo Leveling - (i alone level-up) Solo Leveling – (i alone level-up) – Volume 19. Chapter 4. Read Novel

Volume 19. Chapter 4. -Solo Leveling -(i alone level-up)

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Volume 19. Chapter 4.

Reunion chapter 3 The population of the United States fell into ears after the announcement of a fortuneteller.

-Very soon, the God of Death will descend to this earth!

Such a prophecy only on the cover of a comic strip, such information cannot attract people’s attention. However, there is one very important factor: this prophecy was made by none other than Madame Norma Selner. Who is this woman?

After the sudden opening of her “Heavenly Eye” about two years ago, she accurately predicted the death of the leader of North Korea, the terrorists who hijacked a plane full of passengers, the crash of the stock exchange caused by the sudden collapse of the real estate market, etc. He had been focusing on a number of contradictions for some time. When such a person announces the imminent end of the world, it is obvious that people will begin to worry. Madame Norma Selner was also known as the “prophet who never makes mistakes.” The media that awarded her this nickname turned on the panic mode and hastened to interview the fortuneteller. Unfortunately, she refused to speak with reporters, with the exception of one person who simply turned out to be her friend. Later it became known that she invited him and personally transmitted the message.

-The God of Death will descend to our land, accompanied by countless soldiers of death. Just as we cannot break out of the grip of death, we cannot escape from the God of Death. And the very next day. A giant black hole suddenly opened in the sky above Seoul, so large that it could almost completely cover the capital. Madame’s prophecy appeared on the headlines of almost all newspapers in the world. *** Meanwhile, inside those Gates… Jin-Woo could only breathe in surprise when he saw a sea of ​​people, as if people from all over the world had gathered in one place, right in front of him.

-Ha-oh… It would be just wonderful if all these people gathered to greet him. Unfortunately, Jin-Woo, like no one else, knew that this was not so, and could only smile awkwardly. Soon, these Gates will open. For all who look from the ground, this portal is a source of horror, but for him it was an important door home. House. Jin Woo’s heart quickly filled with warmth from the realization that it would open soon the way to his house, which he missed so much.

-If you think so, is this not the first time I have looked at the world from this side of the Gate?

The outside world was completely visible from inside the Gate. Therefore, Jin-Woo perfectly saw the sea of ​​people underfoot. He put his hand on the “wall” of the Gate, which separated the two spaces. In the past, he had to make a titanic effort in the battle with the Dragon Emperor to destroy this wall, but now… “Now, I … ” Jin-Woo pressed slightly, causing cracks to run along the wall, making a crackling sound. If he pressed even harder, then this wall would have already broken without much resistance. Jin Woo thought for a while about whether he should do it and go down to the ground now or not, but in the end he shook his head and smiled gently. “… No, shouldn’t. ” People on earth were scared, there is no need to bother them once again. In addition, he had been waiting for this moment for almost 30 years, so a few more days were not a problem. Jin-Woo carefully removed his hand and noticed something else. “Wait a minute. Who would have thought that this was the hand of a third-year student of high school?

” And really, at that moment he realized that his hand was quite large. After spending 27 years in the interval between measurements, Jin-Woo naturally aged. His physical age has already exceeded his paternal age. However, he was not in his native world for only two years. He needed to somehow adapt his appearance in order to avoid situations where people with whom he was familiar would begin to be horrified to see how much he has changed. Although he didn’t really want to look like a schoolboy for other people… Wait a minute, or did you want to?

… Anyway. “Perhaps I should just do it.” Jin Woo smiled and looked at his body before activating the force. Due to the fact that he completely mastered the forces of the Lord of Shadows, the biological clock of his body was in his power. Soon, Jin-Woo’s body turned into that very high school student. Shururuk…… The bearded face of a middle-aged man turned into the face of a teenager with a fresh face and bright skin in the blink of an eye. Black smoke enveloped him for a moment, and when he retreated, even his clothes were replaced by the school uniform that he wore on the day he went missing. “I hope this is enough, right?

” Jin Woo smiled with satisfaction, appreciating his new an appearance that exactly resembles a schoolchild from which side do not look. His body and mind were ready to come home and meet his family. It remains only to wait. “It remains two more days… ” Even waiting for the Gate to open seemed to please Jin Woo, who was at the end of one damn long trip. ***

-Oh… Uh?

Hey, they open!

-The hole opens!

A crowd of people screamed and pointed to the Gate, which began to open. Ahhhh!


However, only the open Gates connected to some other place appeared to the gaze of the people gathered below. No disaster, no monsters jumping out of there, nothing happened.

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-What is it?

-And that’s all?

People from all over the globe, watching the giant Gates, began to mutter bewilderedly, watching the mysterious portal slowly dissipate. Meanwhile, Jin-Woo mixed with the crowd and, stepping into a calm, deserted street, deactivated Stealth. Since almost everyone in the area was looking at the Gateway, none of them paid much attention to a high school student who jumped out of nowhere. Jin-Woo did not watch the crowd for a short time before turning around. and go home. And at that moment he saw a young man in front of him with a dear-looking bunch of flowers. The man smiled brightly and turned to Jin Woo.

-Welcome home safe and sound, Mr. Song Jin Woo. Or will it be more correct to address you as the Lord of the Shadows?

He had never met this guy before. However, he also did not feel danger from him. And so I decided to calmly talk.

-No matter how you turn to me. Jin-Woo took a bouquet of flowers from a man and grinned.

-I think that he greeted me at least one person is not so bad. He bent to smell the flowers, and raised his head again. The man spoke as if he was genuinely surprised.

-Honestly… I could not imagine that you would be able to successfully complete this mission and return home. By the way, I feel the weight of ten million soldiers at your steps. The Army was defeated, and without a single exception, the combat-ready inhabitants of the World of Chaos came under the rule of the Lord of Shadows. Now Jin-Woo possessed the most great fighting force, which should be reckoned with both the Lords and the Rulers. He lowered the bouquet and asked the stranger.

-I’m sure that you didn’t come here to give me flowers, so… What does the emissary of the Vlady want from me?

Although his voice might have seemed domineering, his face was completely different and was filled with relaxed self-control. In the end, the lion would never be afraid of the lamb. His stunning power, further honed during the long war, was more than enough to make the stranger flinch from fear, although the latter knew perfectly well whom he was dealing with today. Indeed, the lamb should be afraid of the enemy, and not vice versa. Now, having met with a powerful Lord, who did not differ much from the king of all predators, an unknown man politely decided to bow his head.

-The lords sent you a message, Lord of the Shadows. Our conversation may take some time, so I want to ask if we can take a walk somewhere?

-We can. Jin-Woo passed a smiling man and took the lead.

-In any case, I just remembered one place that I wanted to look into. ***

-… An unknown man silently looked at the ice cream cone that was served to him and looked up.

-So you just wanted to eat ice cream?

Naturally, only what he began to look like younger did not mean that his tastes had changed. It was like that…

-Well, I stayed away from home for a long time and I really wanted something sweet, you know. Jin-Woo answered with a grin and began to make a delicious ice cream. First, a wonderful, refreshing chill fell into his tongue. And then an exciting sweetness followed. Only now he felt that he was back in his native world. An unknown man tried several times to develop the main theme, but Jin-Woo stopped him again and again. Only after he cleaned out the ice cream cup did he finally speak out.

-So what did the Rulers say?

The stranger was amazed to see the Lord of the Shadows snack. And then I came to my senses and spoke.

-A. First of all, they want to express their sincere gratitude…

-Why don’t we miss these politeness and get down to business?

The Rulers should not have any business with this world, but they still sent their representative here. Jin-Woo thought it was something unusual, so he asked me to skip the introductory formalities.

-Did you have a new problem somewhere?

-No, no. Nothing like this. Rather, I’m here to talk with you because all the problems have been resolved. I came to speak with him because all the problems were resolved, he said. Jin Woo’s eyes became even more serious. The stranger noticed this gloomy look and swallowed saliva from excitement. However, he must fulfill his task, no matter how scary the other side is. The man hardly opened his mouth.

-Masters, they… They are worried about potential side effects that your forces may render on this world, the King of Shadows. As you probably know, the powers you possess are not something this world can control.

-… Okay, and?

-Without the presence of Mana, this world is too fragile. If you agree, then we would like to transfer you to a world that your forces can withstand, Lord, nim.

-Or, they can just seal me instead of moving, saving us from potential headaches.

-Of course, as one of the options… Pam!

Jin Woo hit the table lightly, forcing the stranger to flinch and shut up, his bright face froze in silence. The heavy voice of the Lord of the Shadows slowly came out of Jin Woo’s mouth.

-So they want to get rid of me since I stopped being useful, right?

Are they afraid of the power that I possess?

Jin Woo smiled, but his eyes went much colder. The man nearly jumped in fear and quickly waved his hands.

-N-no, that’s not true!

I swear this is not so!

Then he handed over to Jin-Woo a newspaper which he had prepared earlier. Jin Woo opened it and read the headline on the main page. At that moment he saw a pretty familiar face. The article was about the prophecy made by Madame Norma Selner, she worked as an “Upgrader” in the previous version of the world.

-Very soon, the God of Death will descend to this earth!

Eyebrows Jin-Woo trembled slightly with the phrase “God of Death.”

-Initially, she was not an exceptional predictor, even in long-forgotten timelines. However, coming into contact with our world has seriously changed her life. Jin-Woo’s gaze stopped at a certain line where it was written about the opening of the so-called “Heavenly Eye”. This happened about two years ago. Her “awakening” exactly coincides with the moment when he woke up after the time had been rewound with the help of the Divine Tool. This cannot be a coincidence.

-So, you say that my existence can cause such changes?

-Yes, exactly, the Lord. As soon as Jin-Woo calmed down a bit, the stranger breathed a sigh of relief.

-The idea of ​​the Masters is to provide you with a suitable place where you can stay if you wish, they intend to prevent possible adverse changes taking place in this world.

-… Gene leaned back in his chair. He still did not feel the negativity of the unknown man. The masters who sent this man act out of good intentions. However… Just think, on the very first day after his return he is greeted with such news. Jin-Woo was already thinking about returning home, so it was difficult for him to hide his disappointment. He clearly did not want to discuss this topic right now. And he did not hide his opinion on this matter.

-Can you come back some other time?

-… As you wish, oh great Lord. The stranger is courteous and politely bowed to the great hero, who put an end to the war between the Lords and Rulers. The only thing that the man left behind was a black business card on both sides. There must be a stranger who wanted Jin-Woo to call him back on the number indicated on the business card when he makes a decision. He examined a business card on both sides and put it in the inside pocket of a school uniform, a bitter smile spread across his face. The bubbles of anticipation and excitement from returning home now burst forever. A lot of thoughts turned in his head, almost making him dizzy. “If all living beings have a clear goal, the will to live…” He was sure of one thing. As Lord of the Shadows, he fulfilled his mission, he prevented the invasion of the Lords and made sure that nothing phenomenal happened on Earth. That is, he achieved his goal. Thus, a huge force, which served a specific purpose, will become a headache that is difficult to get rid of, just like nuclear waste at the end of its cycle. And a question suddenly arose in his head. “In the end, I became redundant in this world?

” When his train of thought reached this place, he noticed a familiar face running past an ice cream shop. As if enchanted, Jin Woo got up and hurried out into the street. Naturally, life will continue, and in the future there may be times when he will have to think about whether it was a good idea to stay in this world. However… “So far I have a reason to stay, even if only one, then…” A teenage girl in a sports uniform stopped and turned around. In that the place where the very pleasant aroma came from, she saw a stranger standing in front of the entrance to the ice cream shop. “What’s the matter?

Did the ice cream always smell so good?

” The girl turned her head, thought a little and ran on, not finding the answer to her question. Seeing her running away, Jin Woo smiled. “There are still people in this world whom I love. And also those who love me, and those who love me, also exist here. This reason is more than enough so I decide to stay here. ” Jin Woo smiled and said to himself that he should find even more reasons to stay in this world.

Read Solo Leveling -(i alone level-up) -Volume 19. Chapter 4.

Author: Chugong, Jang Sung-lak, 추공

Translation: Artificial_Intelligence

Volume 19. Chapter 4. -Solo Leveling -(i alone level-up) – online free

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