Solo Leveling - (i alone level-up) SOLO LEVELING Read Novel

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Read SOLO LEVELING (i alone level-up)

-나 혼자만 레벨업

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Ten years ago, after the “Gate”, connecting the real world with the parallel, opened, some of the people got the power to hunt monsters inside the “Gate”. They are known as “Hunters. ” 

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However, not all Hunters are strong. My name is Song Jin-Woo, E-Rank Hunter. I am the one who risks his life in the lowest levels of the dungeon. 

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With no super-strong skills, I barely made the money I needed while fighting in low-level dungeons… at least until I found hidden dungeon with the hardest challenges in D-rank dungeons !


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In the end, when I died, I suddenly got a strange power, a quest journal that only I could see, the secret to leveling up, which only I knew!

 If I trained according to my quests and hunted monsters, my level would increase. Going from the weakest Hunter to the strongest, S-rank Hunter !

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SOLO LEVELING (i alone level-up)

-Light Novel

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  •  추공 
  • Chu-of Gong 
  • Jang Sung has-Lak

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Source: qidian.com

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