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SWORD OF DAYBREAKER Chapter 1580 : The Impending Tide Read Novel

Chapter 1580 : The Impending Tide SWORD OF DAYBREAKER Novel

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Chapter 1580 : The Impending Tide

Looking at the communication log files from the Sorin area, Gao Wen raised his eyebrows, smiled at Bertila in the projection of the magic web terminal, and said, “I didn’t expect you to take the initiative to tell Nova. Bring up our biochemical technology.”

“Is it wrong to do this?” Bertila’s face was expressionless, but her tone of voice seemed a little disturbed, “Although I don’t think this involves leaking classified information.”

“There’s nothing wrong with it, as long as it doesn’t involve the classified information clearly stipulated in the memorandum, there’s no need to hide other things from our alien friends,” Gawain shook his head and casually put the records in his hand. The file was placed on the table, “I just didn’t expect you to do this on your own initiative – it’s not surprising that you did this kind of thing seven hundred years ago, but I’m a little surprised that you do it today.”

“Isn’t it an immature reckless move?” Bertila said slowly, “I didn’t think much of it at the time.”

“It’s a promise with little chance of being fulfilled—even though neither of you has Treat this as a formal ‘commitment’,” Gao Wen leaned back on the high back chair and said casually with a calm expression, “Our ‘technical exchange’ with Noy is currently limited to the field of magic tide, and for other We are still very unfamiliar with each other in the field, and it is quite difficult to provide biochemical technical guidance for an alien race across a distance of four light-years, not to mention that we are not even sure that everyone is can survive.”

He paused when he said this, and then shook his head suddenly: “But you don’t have to care about these things. I can think of these things, and the ‘witch’ actually understands them very well. On the other hand, it is always good to have more expectations and hopes for the future.”

Beltira nodded lightly, and then she noticed the look of exhaustion in Gawain’s eyes: “You were holding an online meeting with other alliance leaders just now, right?” Is it going well?”

Gao Wen raised his hand and rubbed the corners of his brows, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief: “Although it took a lot of energy, fortunately everything went smoothly. Now that the project on the Sky Station has reached a very critical stage, we have dispatched three additional engineering teams to the space, finally ensuring that the installation speed of the broadcast repeater can meet expectations, and the Deep Sea Kingdom has provided more Large transport ships, the problem of transportation bottlenecks between Loren mainland and the orbital elevator has also been solved. The biggest remaining problem is whether we can produce enough broadcast devices before the magic tide reaches Loren. Today’s meeting is mainly on solve this problem.

“The final plan is to increase the production tasks on the Silver Empire side – the ancient factory devices of the elves can switch modes in a short time, and at the same time they are close to the southwest sea area, and the transportation cost is the lowest.

’So in the next four to five months, the Silver Empire will suspend more than half of the conventional industrial projects in the country, and put all the spare production capacity into the production of broadcasting devices, and here During the period, the member states of the alliance that do not have advanced industrial production capacity will continue to provide materials to the Silver Empire to ensure that the latter maintains national order when more than half of the domestic material output is suspended.”

Bertiera Startled for a moment, he quickly understood what Gawain meant: “Let the Silver Empire become a huge factory, all state functions are used to ensure the supply of barrier components, and then the other member states of the alliance that are unable to produce barrier components will be ‘Blood transfusion’ for the Silver Empire to support this unprecedented factory? This is really a big hand.”

“Yeah, a big hand, and only the Silver Empire can take on this important task,” Gao said. Wen nodded, “Currently Cecil and Typhon have already undertaken 80% of the pressure in the Ragnarok Project, and they no longer have the energy to carry out such a large-scale production capacity adjustment, and other countries are basically unable to manufacture them. Broadcast components, or even a small number of components produced, is a drop in the bucket for the scale of the entire Sky Station project.”

Bertiera didn’t speak for a while, while Gawain slowly stood up from behind the desk. He paced to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the bright sunlight slanting on the streets and alleys of the city. Above the distant horizon, the majestic giant sun is gradually sinking to the west. The cloud-like crown escaping around the giant sun seems to be connected with the clouds on the horizon, and on the surface of the giant sun, it is faint You can see some blood-red traces as thin as vellus hairs.

Gawain’s expression suddenly froze, he didn’t look back: “Bertiera, have you noticed the fine lines on the surface of the sun?”

Beltira was silent for two or three seconds, and quickly responded: “Yes, brother, there are indeed some slight red marks there. Is this the magic tide coming? !”

“Relax, it hasn’t come yet, but the edge of the magic tide ‘shock’ is indeed approaching us. This kind of disturbance can span a distance of several light-years at the most. The working principle of the observation device is based on Therefore,” Gawain quietly stared at the distant sky, his voice was calm and powerful, which gradually calmed Bertila’s nervousness, “the first signs actually appeared once a few years ago, but at that time No one can understand the mysteries behind these astronomical visions.”

Beltira nodded knowingly, while Gawain continued to stand quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the fine lines on the surface of the giant sun in the distance, at the one who was approaching this world step by step. Calamity, watching the shadow it cast on the world, he saw those bloodshot patterns slowly spread on the corona, gradually forming some more clearly distinguishable red spots, looking like blood was about to flow from the sun. The surface dripped, and after a while, the bloody streaks and patches of color began to fade away quickly

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It was as if the calamity was venting its power to the world.

Gawain heard footsteps sounding in the corridor—it seemed that he was not the only one who noticed the change in the sun. He took a light breath and adjusted his expression, turned his head to look in the direction of the study door, and then he listened to Hedi’s voice came from outside the door: “Ancestor, you”

“come in. Gawain’s calm voice interrupted Hetty, and the next second, the door was pushed open, and Hetty, who was a little nervous, appeared in front of Gawain: “Ancestor, you noticed that the sun appeared on the sun.” Is it the texture? Isn’t that”

“Don’t panic, the end hasn’t come yet,” Gawain shook his head and said casually as he walked to the desk, “It just emphasized its existence to us again.”

The red pattern that suddenly appeared on the surface of the sun was not only seen in Cecil, but at the same time in almost all areas of the Loren continent that were in the daylight phase. The ten-minute-long eerie change in the surface of the giant sun, and for those who know more about the truth, they are well aware of the terrifying meaning behind this change.

The tide is really approaching.

Ogure Tribal Kingdom, located in the Helm City at the foot of the Ancestor’s Peak, the five tribal kings came to the observation deck at the highest point of the city, the tallest Camilla stood on the edge of the high platform, staring blankly Looking at the huge sun wheel that has gradually sunk into a third of the horizon—it is now approaching dusk, and the brilliance of the huge sun has turned into a golden glow, splashing wildly on the towering and quaint walls and roofs of Helm City. On the surface of the sun, the blood-colored lines have almost completely subsided, and only a few inconspicuous dark red lines remain in the cloudy corona, and gradually return to dim.

The magic tide has not arrived. Loren, but the “ripples” escaping from the world-destroying giant waves have been able to lick the dust-like planet under the feet of mortals, and the powerful force it carries can make the surface of the “virtual celestial body” produce Optical changes visible to the naked eye, and the “virtual objects” referred to here include not only stars like “O”, but also the gas giant planets that illuminate the world of Loren.

Stull, the king of spirit witches, stood beside Camilla, his voice was low and slow: “A few years ago, I also saw such blood-colored patterns appear on the sun, but at that time I didn’t know Know what it means”

“According to the Noi, the power of the magic tide can interfere with the movement of the virtual celestial body from a few light-years away, and the pattern density that appears on the surface of the sun or gas giant planet To a certain extent, the frequency can represent the distance between the magic tide and the celestial body. The last time we saw red spots on the surface of the sun was a few years ago, and the next time may be next month, or even this month,” standing aside The human king Wycliffe said, then shook his head, “And when the magic tide fully arrives, the scarlet pattern on the surface of the sun will cover almost the entire corona, and it will not subside until the magic tide is over.”

“Are you facing the challenge of adult transformation under a bloody sun? It really sounds like some kind of epic prophecy scene,” Wenna Baizhi sighed in her tone, ’So is our world ready to face this bloody day?”

Stull, the king of spirit witches, turned around and looked to the other side of Helm City. He saw the Ancestral Peak standing on the east side of the ancient city, with its majestic mountain surface. Wearing armor made of steel, towers are standing quietly in the afterglow of the setting sun. The huge antenna devices and crystal arrays point to the sky like sharp swords and arms. The rays of light spread along the mountain, and at the end of the rays of light, A huge sensor array ring can be seen on the plain.

Camilla also turned to look at the holy mountain, her feline-like pupils contracting slightly in the brilliance of the holy mountain’s surface, She raised her hand and touched the scars near her cheeks from the previous war, her voice was low and firm: “At least, we are better prepared this time than every season of Forerunner in the past 1.8 million years.”

Twelve hours later, the last sensor tower on the Ancestral Plains entered the final commissioning stage.

In the dim sky light, a ring structure of amazing scale was first illuminated by the sun. It was built around the entire plain with the majestic Ancestral Peak as the center, and large energy stations were built. relay stations, analysis nodes, and induction nodes are like a string of jewels inlaid on a ring, standing proudly in the vast and open fields of Ogre, and at the last node area of ​​this ring, bright welding sparks finally Gradually subsided.

A tower composed of several sections of cylinders and a complex crystal array stands on this node, and a large towline with metallic luster extends from the tower body to the nearby nerve connection station And the energy station, the construction team performing the final welding operation began to evacuate from various dangerous areas according to the procedures, and several large construction vehicles were parked near this key node, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

At this moment, the rune array at the base of the tower has entered the pre-charging stage, with the countless runes a little bit brighter, sitting on the face of the field commander in one of the construction vehicles He also showed a serious and somewhat nervous look. He listened to the low humming sound from far to near, and several large facilities within the field of vision began to start testing one by one, and the instructions from the command center and The report sound came continuously from the communication station:

“The energy assembly of the vibrating focus is in good condition and begins to release energy to the ring area

“The thinking center of the vibrating focus has been awakened, and the servo brain array is The connected neural bus is in good condition, the neural signal feedback efficiency is 100%, and there is no error response.

“An abnormal pressure point in the biomass circulation pipeline has been eliminated, it is a false alarm of the sensor, and the redundant circuit has been successfully switched.

“The feedback signal of the observer’s chamber is normal and the vibration focus begins to move toward A benchmark shock is output in the ring area, and the shock test lasts for 30 seconds. Each sensor monitoring unit should pay attention to reporting whether there is any abnormal situation at any time.

“The Observer Chamber has begun to take over the main system, and is ready to perform an assembly test of Chapter”

Under the brighter sky, a beast is gradually in the ancient Ogre Tribal Kingdom. Wake up on the ground.

This beast is made of steel, with the wisdom and courage of mortals as its blood and soul. It crawls on the plains of the peaks of the ancestors, but its eyes are fixed on the endless, far and deep interstellar space – under the blue sky, the ancestors There were bursts of low-pitched roars in the peak, and the huge rings around the holy mountain also began to brighten section by section. It began to flow in the veins that were made by countless mortals, and deep in the beast’s head, “Observer” Mirmina had taken over the authority of the main system.

“It’s incredible”

Feeling the magic tremors across the plain, feeling the powerful energy that could kill the gods running in a precise and safe way under the shackles of the observation system, Even the goddess of magic, known as the “Master of All Laws”, could not restrain the amazement in her heart at this moment. In the depths of the observer’s chamber, Miermina is sitting high on the top of her gorgeous golden throne, and her perception extends to every sensor terminal on the plain through the tremor of dark blue magic, this indescribable perception unprecedented.

Beside the Golden Throne, a magic net terminal is being activated, and Gawain’s figure appears in the holographic projection above the terminal. He is observing the operation of the magic tide observation device: “Milmina, you How’s the situation over there?”

“The whole system is waking up—this behemoth, it takes half an hour just to recharge and activate,” Miermina lowered her head and looked at the turbulent magic power around the throne. and the complex patterns projected from the sky above a large number of nearby terminal devices, his tone was amazed, “If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe that this thing was actually created by mortal hands. The whole system is currently in good condition. Don’t worry.”

“Very good,” Gao Wen nodded lightly in the communication screen, “After the whole system wakes up, first perform a benchmark scan test on the target starry sky, and then we will conduct further testing on the observation device based on the results of the benchmark scan test. If all goes well, then you can notify Noy to conduct synchronous observation with us.”

“Understood, I’m ready to start here,” Miermina nodded and said quickly while following the system-wide wake-up process, “There are still the last ten seconds, I will give the sensor array Vibrated

“Seven seconds, six seconds

“Two seconds, one second The sensor was activated!”

With a magical tremor that was undetectable to the naked eye and covered the entire plain, Miermina’s will became one with the entire observation device.

The next second, the vast starry sky The endless ripples in the depths turned into turbulent data and poured into the hundreds of sensor nodes distributed on the plain. Then, these “reflection parameters” from nearby stars flowed into the calculation center of the Ancestral Peak, and were used by the huge scale. The servo brain array and the human brain array were analyzed and reorganized, and entered Miermina’s mind.

At this moment, she saw the deep starry sky.

And the depths of the group of stars were gradually The shadows spread over.

The brief benchmark scan was over, but Miermina still sat motionless on the top of the throne, her expression seemed a little sluggish, even with the flow of magic light flowing around her All seem to be affected by it and gradually stagnate.

“Milmina?” Gawain noticed Mirmina’s abnormal reaction, and immediately asked aloud, “How is the situation? Did you observe anything?”

“I I saw it, I did see it.” Miermina finally woke up, but her tone did not show any joy after the success. Her eyes fell on a nearby magic net terminal, and she stared at it, which was constantly summing up. Refreshed data and patterns, “Gawain, the observation device has given two completely different parametric models, and what I see are two shadows.”

Read Light Novel SWORD OF DAYBREAKER Chapter 1580 : The Impending Tide

Author: Far Pupil

Translation: Artificial_Intelligence

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