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WORLD OF CULTIVATION – Chapter 907 Read Novel

Chapter 907 – WORLD OF CULTIVATION – Light Novel

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Chapter 907

Yang Yuan Hao looked at the message on his hand. Frozen like a statue, he stood motionless for a while.

He was shocked that Gu Liang Dao had died in battle. Before they took action, no one would have thought that a full-scale war between Kun Lun and the Cloud Sea Mo would start like this. Even now, he was slightly dazed.

The arrow that left the bow could not turn back. Even if he could return, he had no choice. He believed that Gu Liang Dao would make the same choice.

Kun Lun… haha!

Sorry. Gu Liang Dao is dead!

His position was very similar to that of Gu Liang Dao. The only difference was that Gu Liang Dao had more responsibilities. While Yang Yuan Hao was the sword and shield for the Four Minor Sects of Dhyana, there were still people above him to protect him from the wind and rain of domestic politics. But Gu Liang Dao had no one to support him. It wasn’t there from the beginning. He betrayed Xi Xi”an, after which he became the leader of Xi Xi”an with the support of Zhong De, but lost this support in the Battle of the Central Plains.

But he was not Zuo Mo.

As a battle general, Gu Liang Dao was outstanding. He had both courage and intelligence. His defeat at Xue Dong was more of a defeat at Kun Lun than at Xue Dong.

From the beginning, Gu Liang Dao was burdened with too many responsibilities. He had no choice, no escape. For example, betray Xi Xuan. If he was not forced to go into the abyss, who was ready to betray his sect? Likewise, he became the leader of the area. Yang Yuan Hao felt that these things were the true burden that crushed this spirit like the top of a general’s battle.

Not everyone was Zuo Mo. Yang Yuan Hao thought about that phrase again.

“Yang Yuan Hao” had a clear idea of ​​himself as well as his fighting style. He also made rational choices. It may not be the best option, but it will never be the worst.

Yang Yuan Hao did not blindly attack Kong Long. Despite the fact that the battalions stationed here did not match him, he did not feel that it would be wise to go too deep. He lacked both supplies and reinforcements. The strategic value he could generate here would be limited, but there would be little danger. The current situation was not the same as in the past. Mo Cloud Sea and Kun-Lun started an all-out war. He needed to reconsider the situation.

Zuo Mo did not return, Gong Song Cha and Bie Han were mobilized. Now he had to think for himself.

When Wei Sheng’s message arrived. He hardly believed it. He stared at him for a long time.

Wei Sheng defeated Lin Qian!

Lin Qian escaped!

This is…

The result of any battle on the line front, even Gongsong Cha, who defeated Xue Dong, would not have given Yang Yuan Hao a deeper shock than this news.

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Illegal! It was illogical!

It was Lin Qian! The leader of the Kun Lun sect, Lin Qian!

After a long numbness, Yang Yuan Hao began to recover. He began to think about what effect this substance would have.

He had to admit that this news dealt a huge blow to Kun Lung’s morale. Lin Qian’s status in Kun Lun was unprecedented. He was publicly regarded as the most prominent of all sect leaders in Kun Lung history. Even in this revolutionary era, he was flawless. Kong Long was constantly strengthening.

If we had to talk about his only mistake, it would not prevent the development of Mo Mo Mo of the Cloudy Sea.

But who could stop the development of Mo Mo Mo Mo Cloudy Sea?

Lin Qian was a manifestation of perfection. He was humble and refined, his loyalty to Kun Lun deeply engraved in his bones. Even the most rebellious disciples of the sect listened to his every word. He dared to dive deep into the realm of pestilence and conquered them all with his own power. He was one of those who understood the power and led Kun Lung into the era of power. He brought great changes to Kun-Lun using Chao Xin and other young students. Kun Lun became the only one of the four large sects not to fall or break. He was never defeated, he led the group, he was a born leader.

But such a person was defeated!

Yang Yuan Hao suddenly realized that Kun Lun had been pushed to the edge of a cliff.

He never expected Lin Qian’s defeat.

The war between Kun Lun and the Cloudy Sea had just begun and the situation suddenly changed. In Yang Yuan’s eyes, Hao, Lin Qian was undoubtedly Kun Lun’s strongest, as well as one who could not be defeated. Although Wei Sheng and the others returned, Yang Yuan Hao felt it would be nice if they could compete with Lin Qian.

Defeating Mu Xuan or Xue Dong would not shake Kun Lun’s foundations. Only Lin Qian’s defeat would truly have caused panic in Kun Lun.

Lin Qian was defeated!

Kun Lun was in danger.

However, the development of events still surprised Yang Yuan’s predictions Hao.

The news of Lin Qian’s defeat by Wei Sheng shocked the whole world!

Yang Yuan Hao did not spread the news. Wei Sheng was unable to track down Lin Qian and decided to go to Kun Lun.

Wei Sheng ran forward with his sword and attacked Kun Lun.

He didn’t hide or sneak inside. In broad daylight, he moved to the main peak of Tian Huang.

Wherever he passed, he destroyed cities when he encountered them, he killed enemies when he faced them, no one could stop him. Kun Lun battalions and experts flooded in the direction of Wei Sheng, but no one could stop them.

No one withstood even one of his attacks.

Wei Sheng used his sword to tell the world how powerful the god’s level was.

The whole world was overwhelmed by Wei Sheng’s strength and unreasonableness!

Kong Long panicked. As Yang Yuan Hao expected, Lin Qian’s defeat caused alarm throughout Kun Lun. Wei Sheng’s actions seem to have pierced the hornets” nest. All the battalions and experts of Kun Lun ran furiously to fortify the main peak of Kun Lun.

The main mountain peak of Kun Lun was the core of Kun Lun. It was here that the core of Kun-Lun was located, it was the holy land for the people of Kun-Lun.

She had an unrivaled status, and never experienced the fires of war. It was the greatest pride for the entire Kun Lun!

Protect the main peak!

Protect the sect leader!

Like moths in flames, they fearlessly charged and tried to stop Wei Sheng…

Kong Long went insane.

The world went insane.

Xu Dong’s eyes were bloody. He completely ignored the Vermillion Bird Camp, which was watching him closely.

He didn’t care. Was the elder Shiksiong defeated?

How is this possible?

When he received the news, he almost laughed. How could Elder Shiksiong be defeated? He enjoyed his battle with Gong Sun Cha. The two were evenly matched. However, soon after the start, news that Wei Sheng was making his way to the main peak of Kun Lung finally reached him. The elder Shiksiong was indeed defeated.

Xue Dong did not hesitate. He immediately led his battalion back to Kun Lung!

He felt like he was having a nightmare. Suddenly, Kun Lun was in such a dangerous position.

Defend the main peak!

Protect the leader of the sect!

Such a slogan showed how bad Kun Lun’s position was. Mu Xuan was trapped by Bi Han’s Xin battalion and was unable to leave. But he still ordered Mu Xuanui to return to Kun Lun, whatever the cost!

Even if she died!

Xue Dong’s mind was unusually clear at the moment. Everyone in Kun Lun could be sacrificed, even himself. Only the elder Shixiong could not die!

He had already begun to consider the problem of defeat. The situation was even more pressing, but he became even calmer. Defeat was nothing to fear. As long as the elder Shiksiong was not dead, even if they lost some territory, in the end they could change this situation for the better.

Whatever the price, they had to stop Wei Sheng!

Xue Dong’s battalion traveled as if they didn’t give a damn about their lives. True, they did not care. They quickly left the Vermillion Birds camp in the dust.

Compared to Kun Lung’s panic, Cloud Sea Mo was happy.

“Master Wei is too strong! He was able to defeat Lin Qian! Heaven!”

“Master Wei is truly back at a better time. I just knew that Master Wei was at the level of God!”

“Please, you only knew after this happened!”

“He just made his way to the main peak of Kun Lun. I can feel my blood boil just thinking about it!”

Gong Sung Cha also had a faint smile on his face. His fight with Xue Dong was interrupted during the probing stage. Both sides seemed to know that now was not the time for the final duel, so they did not use all their strength.

But in probing attacks, both sides found the other side problematic.

Gong Sung Cha was still gaping when he learned that Wei Sheng was making his way in such a startling and dominant manner to the main peak of Kun Lun.

The terrifying power of a divine level was fully manifested in this battle. Wei Sheng managed to destroy the entire Kun Lun alone.

Gong Song Cha and the others quickly recovered from their joy. People immediately began to discuss strategies for countering the god-level. After half a day of discussion, we came to the same conclusion as before. only a god-level expert can match a god-level expert. Otherwise, they would have to wait another ten years after the average strength of each of them rose by another two ranks, battalions of the highest level might be able to withstand the divine level.

The discussion was ineffectual, and the discussion turned to discussing good chances in front of them.

If they missed such a great opportunity, they asked to be struck by lightning.

For these people full of perverts, this theme was like the greatest holiday. Everyone immediately began a heated discussion.

Evil, malicious plans were quickly formed.

When Zuo Mo received the news that Wei Sheng had defeated Lin Qian, he was also amazed. But details soon surfaced and his happiness was watered down.

Gu Liang Dao was dead. Shuang Yu was dead.

Fragrant and open Gu Liang Dao, gentle and pure Shuang Yu. Thinking about how they met and interacted those years ago, Zuo Mo’s spirit was low. He thought everyone would drink together after he returned to Mo’s Cloud Sea. It would be a lucky break.

He did not expect that…

Zuo Mo stared at the night sky. And Gui looked at Zuo Mo with concern. She didn’t speak. She knew that the young master needed silence.

After a long time, Zuo Mo regained her peace of mind and threw aside her grief and sadness. There was a line of light on the horizon. Without realizing it, the night passed, the dawn was near.

The dawn was close…

The last remnants of grief and sorrow were washed from Zuo Mo’s eyes. They were replaced by determination.

He turned and suddenly said to Ah Gui: “Ah Gui, we must end this war as soon as possible!”

Ah Gui looked at Zuo Mo’s determined face, and her gaze moved to his white hair. Clary felt a pain in her heart, and then nodded gravely, “Yes!”

Zuo Mo’s gaze grew soft and warm as he stared at Ah Gui.

But soon he froze again, as if before him mountains of blades and seas of fire could not stop his steps. A framework was built for the command structure of the Hundred Wild Realms. Princess Xia and the Lan brothers familiarized themselves with their work. The effect of recruiting Princess Xia and others was outstanding. The areas of the Wild Centennial Kingdom that Zuo Mo conquered quickly stabilized.

“Everything was arranged.”

“It’s time to take care of the Mo Shen Temple.”

Read Light Novel WORLD OF CULTIVATION – Chapter 907

Author: Fang Xi”ang, 方想Translation: Artificial_Intelligence

Chapter 907 – WORLD OF CULTIVATION – Read Online Free

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